East Coast Seafood's is happy to report that after our audit from the local council we received a 'Big 5' for our shop premises. We are very proud of the high standards we set for our customers and constantly strive to maintain them.
We have a very close working relationship with the local authority and we take great care in ensuring compliancewith every legal food safety requirement in our production. We operate a full documented (HACCP) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System which is built into our business processes.
East Coast Seafood’s operates as an approved fresh fish processor and cold store facility(Approval No. UK JF 050 EC). Although not yet formally approved as a SALSA supplier we are adhering to (SALSA) Safe and Local Supplier Approval standards.We promulgate our Food Safety and Quality Policy to all our customers, which we ensure is reviewed annually.
ISO 9000 & IIP
We have one eye on the future and have engaged the services of a consultant to look into the implementation ofISO 9000 standards as well as IIP (Investors In People) accreditation and are fully committed to compliancein all areas of new and existing legislation applicable to our industry.